Monday, February 08, 2010

Eyes Having It Blogging

Some people are lucky enough to live in Norway and have the Aurora Borealis to amaze and bedazzle them and suggest the transcendent and the numinous: I* have Angel - his jewel-eyes taking on the same blue-green ever-changing glows, enchanting and mesmerizing his human, albeit and perhaps even better on a smaller and huggable scale...

*Is Lizzy back? Perhaps?? Tonight she was so tired (after another 10 hr day) that she got off the freeway at the wrong exit and drove around Detroit for a while until she got her bearings and finally got back home. But watching the Angel - laired on the piano bench, twisting and glittering for no apparent reason - gave her back a jolt of energy mostly missing so far this calendar year. Luvs to all, more to follow...


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Oh, Lizzy, dearest Lizzy, back at last!

3:03 AM  

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