Friday, September 16, 2005

About The Peaches

There were two of them, two peaches that is - I'm sure it's only a coincidence that there are also two kittens. The peaches, which were not fully ripe, were in a bag, and the bag was in a bag, but it was still the human's fault for absent-mindedly leaving the bag/s on the dining room table top. The next morning, there is something quite sinister looking on the dining room floor. On closer examination, it is one very punctured peach; the other peach is missing. (It was located later, under the table, somewhat less punctured.)


Blogger Hokule'a Kealoha said...

they like fruit try a bite of cantaloupe, or banana. Our jungle babies like papaya and cooked carrots...because they like this sweetness, this is also why they will eat sweet smelling soap, cosmetics and purfumes, cleaners and antifreeze so we must all becareful. a few drops of nail polish remover will end our precious babies life...

12:07 AM  

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