Monday, October 02, 2006

A Changing Approach To Cat Counting

It used to be, I counted cats at least twice daily - going and coming, and I was fairly rigid about the technique -- everybody accounted for upon leaving, and everybody eye-balled and petted upon coming home. Home-coming is pretty much unchanged, but now that there are so many of them, well, leaving is more complicated. I realize I have developed an alternative methodology, sort of cataloging (excuse the pun) each encounter, so that by the time I leave I know I've seen everybody at least once throughout the morning (usually the morning, anyway). So, who's in bed with me when I wake up? Who shows up in the bathroom, kitchen, computer room? Who's on the couch and/or the dining room table? And I keep an eagle eye out for anyone who's missing until they put in an appearance. By the time I leave, they're on record, regardless of what dimension they've disappeared into in the meantime...


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