Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Forensic Science

Earlier this morning, in the shower, I noticed a couple of tiny almost eye-level points of light. At first I told myself they had to be flecks of shampoo, or similar, but no, upon closer inspection, they were in fact tiny little cuts in the plastic, and there were, in fact, 4 of them, 3 closer together than the 4th, with the torn plastic folding inward. Hmm. Picture this: AreToo (maybe Angel, but most probably AreToo) perched on the edge of the bathtub between the 2 curtains, jumping up, claws extended... I could take impressions, take paw prints, etc., but, really, why bother?


Blogger Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Maybe there's a contest to see how high they can jump?

4:04 PM  

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