Saturday, May 05, 2007


The semi-sleeping human rolls over on one side, facing the alarm clock, with her arm poised to hit the snooze button (again). And then Petunnia jumps on her, and, with difficulty, settles - her back legs compressing the human's ribs, her front legs curving over the hip, with the claws sunk in to stabilize things... The human tries not to jostle the Princess, but it's not easy, and eventually Petunnia gives up and jumps down. The human feels bad, but also relieved, which makes her feel even worse...


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Toonya is clearly channelling Faridah Peeples, who liked nothing better than sleeping precariously perched on the human. With much huffing and growling if human so much as stirred.

11:38 AM  

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