Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Few Preliminary Vignettes

Who trailed his human all last Monday morning? And watched her cab pull away from the dining room window? And, well, who has stuck by her ever since she got back? That's right - and who would have thought it of even a cute little droid?
She kissed the Auntie! The human is so pleased!! (But where were the others? Mostly up in the attic, as far as I can tell...)
Who shocked his Grandhuman by attacking a sleeping Cloud? (And kept attacking her: Oh, Angel, How could you?)
Um, sorry - They're really into the ugly pills right now - it's clearly payback!


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Poor little AreToo! He probably thought you got et by some big cousinly (of his, not yours) predator! Sweet Cloud. And naughty, bad, devilish little Angel. Displaced aggression, Lizzy. He must've blamed Cloud for your leaving. How are the others?

12:11 AM  
Blogger Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Yes, inquiring minds want to know about the whole gang of 922 kittenz and catz. And even if they've taken ugly pills, we still love them to pieces.

2:00 AM  

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