Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Little Angel Blogging*

Human was up for a couple of hours - still groggy from pain meds - when she realized she hadn't seen Angel yet. She hunted for him in all the usual spots, rattling the catnip jar and opening it to let the fumes and particles waft about - no Angel. She got out the laser beam, the clicking of which has never failed to produce a herd of rampaging "kittens" - and, indeed, the herd arrived - all 3 of them. Her panic increased with every breath she took, but she swished the laser beam up and down the hallway anyway, and, suddenly, there he was, looking extremely sleepy, and totally bewildered by his human's need to squash him with extreme cuddles.
This Morning
The human woke up to Angel and Petunnia sharing the big pillow right beside hers - it was way sweet...
*And there are pictures in the camera, but the batteries must be recharged.


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