Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Soap Opera Continues

When Cloud and AreToo met in the kitchen this morning, the human became quite hopeful as Cloud sniffed AreToo's face and side and the tip of his tail. Be good, be sweet, the human warned, not really sure which one she was talking to, although AreToo was looking plenty nervous. She started to breathe out when Cloud went back to AreToo's face for yet another sniff, and then, POW! Well, maybe it was more of a pow - but anyway, AreToo did as he had been done to many times, and bopped her on the forehead, and she ran away down the basement stairs. The human was so sad...


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Poor little AreToo! I suppose Ms. Cloud RainDragonPrincess could be looking at a new name? Ms. Doasyouwouldbedoneby?

1:01 PM  

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