Are you ok, what with the fires and all?
This blog is the ongoing story of nine-hundred and twenty-two cats, including kittens. We consider on a near daily basis the poetics of cat sensibility - the wit, brilliance, elegance and magic of catdom. We try to ignore hairballs and their sound effects.
I've been worrying. She hasn't been by my place. Will check yours again tomorrow.
PS: Sweet Serendipity! The text verification for my last comment was, I kid you not, "Ahuumun." Apt.
Hi, guys! Thanks so much for your concern! The fires have been in the same direction as my mother's retirement home in Alhambra (next to South Pasadena and San Marino). The fires have been beyond that area, but near Pasadena/Arcadia.
I've been helping a friend move over the weekend (she helped me pack up my mother's things a couple of weeks ago when we closed up her old room as she transitioned to assisted living, and wouldn't you know it, we had record-breaking temperatures then and again this weekend as my friend's been preparing to move.) We broke a record today (96 degress?) that was set in 1921. Go figure!
Cooler temperatures are predicted for the rest of the week. I may get a chance to check the blogs more frequently!
P.S. I'm a bit upset by the Rev. Wright comments recently about Obama. Nothing's running smoothly this year, is it? Maybe it's the predicted chaos before a paradigm shift?
Thanks again for your care and concern.
P.S. Political Cat - I've been very concerned about your job situation, which you don't mention too often. I sincerely empathize with your situation, since I had a layoff a number of years ago. I'm sending you good vibes.
Another P.S. (re Obama/Wright)
I noticed Ms. Manitoba's positive comment about Wright's interview with Bill Moyers. My concern is not with that, but what seems to be following that are certain other comments. Most people never took the time to listen to Wright's sermon to hear the words in context. I think he has some legitimate concerns especially for someone who has lived during the era he has, but now he seems to be criticizing Obama on certain issues and the press is picking up on it with glee.
Hi, Sandy,
So glad you're OK, hope your Mum is too.
The press is doing their usual corporate vulture thing. They're trying to take Obama down. But I honestly believe that they won't be able to. We just have to work harder to make sure they don't get to bamboozle us yet again.
Job situation - feh. Hopefully things will improve at some point, but it's not this week, for sure. Even those who survived the layoff at my former employer are now leaving in ones and twos. They see the writing on the wall.
In other, better news, I'm almost done with the first draft of a murder mystery!
Hi, PC & Lizzy!
I agree that the press is the vulture in this situation! And I'm for Obama now more than ever, especially the way Hillary's been campaigning. However, I plan to vote Democrat either way it works out.
If anyone can write a book, whether murder mystery or otherwise, it would be you PC. I'm always in awe of your facility with the language. I don't have the same kind of brain to process the way yours does and I admire you greatly.
(Any long comments I make, you'll notice, are always about ME. That's an easy subject to get carried away on. I wish I could explain why I feel the way I do politically, etc. It's very frustrating to have to fight for words and fall short. I rely on people like you who can articulate the situation so well.)
Hi, Yu 2 -
My Mom is way excited at the possibility of a mystery by TPC - she is a great fan of mysteries! Also, I agree w/ everything Sandy says about your political writing - you do a great job of speaking for so many of us voiceless ones (Cloud says, Oh, Hilary, I used to be SUCH a fan...).
Hi, Lizzy!
Thank you so much for the kind words, and thank you, Cloudita! I feel the same way. Once, Hillary was my hera, and I just mourn the loss of that wonderful, brilliant, progressive woman. Hugs, all. We hold you in our hearts.
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