Saturday, May 17, 2008

Second Post From The New Computer

If I weren't up way late, mesmerized by my new toy, I wouldn't have seen this: in the living room, AreToo was also mesmerized - by something outside the window. I couldn't see or hear anything, but he was rapt, and then it caught Cloud's attention. AreToo was in possession, but Cloud was determined, and clearly smacking was about to happen. Be good, be sweet! I had to say it more than once, but it was clear they both knew exactly what I meant. Cloud backed off and went through the face-saving motions of looking out another window, while the Droid decided to be bored and wander off... (If only humans could be so sensible.) (Different ending if it had been Angel, though.)


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Good, sweet little Droid! And good, sweet little Cloud. Kisses to them both (and a secret one for Angel yclept Diavolo).

12:03 PM  

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