Tuesday, July 15, 2008

There Be Birdz!

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Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

And Here There Be Dragonz, birdwatching.

Lizzy, I have a ton of Buddy material, but was hoping for another nice Buddy story or two. And I have all his grown-up pitchers. Does he have any baby pitchers?

Oh, yes, how is Banshee's gacking? Is she all better? And does Buddy still tease Toonya? I wouldn't want to misrepresent him.

9:59 PM  
Blogger tabbimama said...

When I enlarged the picture, I had to resist the urge to reach for her Cloud-y softness. When will they invent "touch-o-vision"?

10:20 AM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Hi, PoliticalCat -
I spent a long time trying to figure out how to search my own blog, and when I finally got there, I still couldn't figure out if I'd ever posted about Buddy's terrible adventure... No baby pics, alas, since he was a grown up when he was kitnapped. He does still tease 'Toonya, although sometimes I have them together on the bed with me, which is sweet. Banshee is better, thank you - the shot usually kicks in in 24 - 48 hrs, and then we're good for 6 - 8 weeks, cross my fingers. I'm at work right now, but if you need don't have the story of when Buddy ran away from home, I'll fill you in later... And how are you and los gatos doing??

8:09 PM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

No, you never posted about how Buddy ran away from home. I know this because I've spent the past few DAYS slowly and carefully going over each and every post in your archives! And I've fallen in love with dear sweet little Buddy completely. So thanks very much for proferring his story (now I'm all verklempt, thinking about this poor sweet thing actually running away from the only home that's ever been kind to him. I just know that tail has a terrible story behind it!).

The gatos are doing fine, despite the occasional bout of Not Good Not Sweetness. I'm a little frazzled still, but headed for better days, I know. It's been hard to get back to writing, but I keep trying. Also, bad dreams. More belly-snorgles required, if only los gatos would cooperate but the weather is warm and they want to be lying outdoors.

Hugs to 922 sweet little furbundles.

9:53 PM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Ok, here goes about Buddy: And now that I think of it, there were 2 bad scares, the second so much worse than the first...
Scare the first - Buddy was still in "quarantine" as I cleaned house for a Christmas party. Since all of the other guys(Lizzy, Strega, Banshee, Petunnia and Lucy) were in hiding from the vacuuming, I thought it would be a good time for Buddy to explore. What I hadn't counted on was his finding the attic door ajar, and totally disappearing into the ether. I really almost went nuts that night - eventually I crawled around the edges where the roof met the attic floor and found him. I had to move a lot of stuff to get close enough to him to actually haul him out from between the floor boards - he was covered in dust that I was terrified was asbestos. Eee...
Scare the second - 6 months later, I was getting ready to fly to New York state for a week long library seminar - a big deal - getting in was very competitive and my college was paying my way, $1000 plus travel. I was less than an hour from heading off to the airport when the disaster happened. Buddy had gotten into the vestibule and into the open closet, all unknown to his human. She carefully closed the interior door, took her bags to the car, went to go back inside, only to find a a frantic Buddy in the vestibule but then out the door and disappering in total panic. The human looked, the grandhuman looked, a kindly neighbor looked, and then the human had to go, with grandhuman and neighbor promising to continue the search. Every night of the seminar the human called home. And all the cat people at the seminar asked everyday, Is Buddy home yet? Needless to say, his human cried herself to sleep every night. Finally she got home, and illegally put notes in hundreds of mailboxes. She walked block after block for 3 days. Then she put a rug on the porch, sprinkled with catnip, but before she could go to bed, the power failed, and so the windows were open when she walked sadly though the dark house, saying to the others, Yes, I know, loves, I miss him, too. And, because the windows were open, she was able to hear the little chirp from the porch. With way shaking hands she managed to get the front door open, and, there, in the moonlight, was the vagabond, prodigal Buddy. He paced the porch and talked, for about 20 minutes - alas that I couldn't understand a word. Once it was all out of his syste, he let me pick him up and take him in. He'd got fleas and something called garbage gut, but he was back! And to this day he avoids that door...

11:12 PM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

And now, having done my homework, I want to send you hugs and purrs to help fend off the bad dreams, etc. At least when I have my anxiety dreams, hugging a purrbunny is the best antidote, as you know...

11:19 PM  

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