Tuesday, September 09, 2008


aTotally unexpected, our porch is being worked on... today! I had an appointment to look at stone this afternoon, but was surprised this morning by a request to begin puling the old porch down today. When I said I had a lot of stuff to move first, they said they'd move it for me, so - 6 pots of tomatoes (more on that later), all of the herbs and a bunch of flowers got toted to the back yard, and the work began (cats and "kittens" for the most part retired to the attic). I had already cleared out the landing where the never-used side door is, so I left that way when I went to the stone-yard. (We settled on a pretty mix of reddish purple and greenish.) The real trouble started when I came back home and the key I assumed would open the side door didn't, and neither did any other key on 2 key rings. With the help of 2 concerned construction workers I managed to climb a pile of rubble and get in via the front door. Then I called the locksmith. Oy. And now for the important part: Lucy was very cool, AreToo came out for a while and - amazingly - Buddy put in an appearance for a bit (and was duly cuddled).


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