Tuesday, December 09, 2008

And Now The Narrative

How did our bio bros end up so sweetly together on one pillow? Well, it was the night before last - at least I think it was. (It was! I just checked the date on the digital camera! What a wonderful aid to a chronologically challenged human!) The human was in bed - sort of asleep, actually - with Petunnia on the "little" pillow, AreToo on the "big" pillow and Angel on... the human, of course. When the human was so inconsiderate as to shift position ever-so-slightly, Angel departed in disgust, and decided to snuggle up with his Droid brother instead. In spite of Angel's rather "robust" approach to "snuggling" - Be sweet! Be good! said the human, not sure if she was talking to Angel, AreToo, or both. In the end, however, peace prevailed. And it was so sweet and so good that the poor tired human actually had to get up, get the camera, and take pics...
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