Hi, TPC -
We're so glad the little C boy gave you a chuckle! And in exchange for an update on your health, we will give you the remainder of the... shoelaces story! (Not expecting that, were you?) But in fact, when Cyrrie lost interest in the shoelaces, Petunnia got interested. Classic, classy Petunnia - she knew how cats and "kittens" are supposed to interact with shoelaces! Giving in to her inner kitten, she attacked! Oh, it was cute. Adorable, even. Needless to say, the human deferred getting ready for work until 'Toonya had shoelaced to her heart's content. (Now, how's it going?)
Just call me SUCKER. I'm easy.
Actually, the brown-eyed darling had me rolling (carefully) OTFLMAO. Everytime I look at him I think of the fact that I have failed him most dreadfully by neglecting to Caturday-Guest-Star him! Yet he never holds a grudge. What a sweet little fellow.
Update on my health: Well, the surgeon used the latest "minimal incision" technique, which means that every muscle in and around and attached to my leg is spasming in pain. The payoff for a tiny incision (~4 inches) - they force the bone out through the incision, twisting all the muscles and ligaments, and even nearly three weeks later I can feel it. Sometimes my hamstrings and quads go into repeated painful cramps. OTOH, the incision has healed very nicely, and is barely visible (??!!). He took out the staples and stitches a mite early (having to rush out of town), so he put some tiny pieces of surgical tape on to hold the bits together. It's hard to believe a 1/4" x 1" piece of paper can do anything, but it does. The entire knee is an invitingly stormy shade of purple. Fetching! I'm tempted to make kneeless pojamas to take advantage of the visuals, but the furwretches will undoubtedly decide to go suture-fishing if I do.
I feel very frail, very weak, despite the enormous care I'm taking with exercise and diet. Partly, it's the inability to stand and walk on command. Partly, it's the meds, which make one quite dizzy at times. And partly, I'm sure, it's the trauma to the body. It doesn't help to have lost a once-Falstaffian appetite. I can barely shovel down the fruit and yogurt and stew and vitamins that comprise my nourriture.
I'm juggling with various nutriments. I think seeds and nuts probably have very high levels of essential trace minerals that I might have lost, so I'm trying to eat those. I've added a multivitamin (I don't usually take those, preferring to get my nutrients from my food, but).
Standing is painful, walking is difficult, balance is elusive. My hands shake, at times, and the muscle spasms come and go. Sometimes the pain and exhaustion make me downright crabby or tearful, even, a sensation I haven't suffered since childhood. I'm using arms and hands to do a lot of weight-bearing tasks I would ordinarily use leg muscles for, and the strain is showing.
Nevertheless, the days are sunny and bright, and Bandicoot is a veritable little Buddha of a cat, and Zingiber (being a cat of Very Little Brain) might not understand why he can't perch his avoirdupois on my knee, but is taking his restrictions with a modicum of grace. After much shrieking, screaming, cursing, and multilingual abuse (including a spray bottle which has been waved threateningly but never used), Gojira has finally agreed that leaping on the affected body part with all available feet might not be the best idea. Peace reigns, temporarily. Only Gustav is heard to use bad language anymore, and then only to Madu.
In other news, a hummingbird feeder outside the bedroom window lures me to sit out on the verandah. I am about to create a piece of fabric art, easier than writing in the current state of befuddlement; in all life is good.
As for tales of the Horrorspital, those will have to wait.
Thank you so much for the kitteh pictures in my head. Now for the camera version!
Oh, you poor darling! My heart goes out! You are amazingly courageous, and you make me ashamed of how much I complain about how relatively little... Will you blog about your fabric art? (Pls?) Kisses to all (and give the hummingbirds a wave)!
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