Monday, June 27, 2005

She Is So NOT Funny

So, the human comes home in the dark, only to see, at the very end of the headlight beams, a flash of fluffy grey(?) tail disappearing around the corner of the house...
Even though it is totally impossible that any of these nine-hundred and twenty-two cats can be outside, the human rushes inside and begins to count. 1, 2... 920, 921, 921, 921... Where is Banshee? (Whose tail is dark and sleek, but still.)
When Banshee fails to be located in any of the usual places, the human reverts to Fancy Feast. First, rattle the plates, and, lo and behold, Banshee!
With her peculiarly human sense of humor, the human says, Fancy Feast is cancelled!
922 cats - including kittens - are not amused. Extra Fancy Feast is called for.
An additional can of Fancy Feast plus water goes out on the porch. Fortunately 922 cats - and kittens - are too busy scarfing up FF to notice....


Blogger Lizzy said...

Well, the next morning, to the human's profound relief (disappointment?), the food was still on the porch...

12:49 AM  

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