Thursday, December 14, 2006

Three Plants

More Encouraging Their Bad Habbits
When the big catnip plant is found not only dead but dried crisp, the human puts it in the middle of the front room floor and watches... (Pics to follow.)
Kittened Past the Point of No Return?
In getting ready for the painting, the human moves the fig tree from the front room to the bedroom, and finally acknowledges - there's only one branch left with any leaves at all - the one that they (formerly) could not reach...
For at least 2 weeks, the human had been meaning to throw out a dead plant - it was a litle anonymous flowering plant that came in from the porch only to be neglected in the dining room. But everytime she went to pitch it, something distracted her, so there it sat. Today, she took it out on the porch to add the potting soil to the environment, shook it, and when it didn't fall out of the pot she grabbed a dry stick and started to pull - that was when she noticed the tiny clusters of tiny new green leaves... So it came back inside and got watered.


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