Kitty Spit
This morning Cloud spent time on my lap, all curled up, maybe snoozing but purring, anyway - when she finally departed, it turned out she'd also been drooling the whole time...
This blog is the ongoing story of nine-hundred and twenty-two cats, including kittens. We consider on a near daily basis the poetics of cat sensibility - the wit, brilliance, elegance and magic of catdom. We try to ignore hairballs and their sound effects.
Madu drools copiously. Zingiber prefers direct applications of kitty spit to the end of my nose, which is quite raw and red from repeated licking. Ugh! And what breath!
Cloud is a nose rasper! Although I sort of like her weird little kitty breath...
Bandicoot is picking up the habit from his brother. Fortunately he has rather nice, if slightly fishy, breath.
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