Monday, March 05, 2007

Much Blogging Called For

This morning, when someone thundered up and down the hallway, the human looked to see which kitten was currently chasing a hallucination or similar - imagine her surprise when it turns out to be Buddy - looking silly and crazed and obviously having a great time!
Also this morning, the human was concerned verging on disturbed (but not quite alarmed) to realize we were short on crunchies - not out yet, but short. The human stores unopened bags of crunchies in the vestibule, the broom closet, the cupboard under the sink, and, frequently, in the car (all places AreToo can't get to). This morning, checking first inside then out, she was perplexed - we usually have a large quantity in store. However, she made a note to stop tonight to replenish. Which she did. And then it turned out there were several large bags the car, only in the hatch area and not in the backseat which was where she'd looked this morning. (We are now very well stocked.)
This evening the human also visited little Duncan (aka Tink) and his 2 siblings, Katy and Sebastian - their own human being out of town, and Duncan incidentally being the actual bio-bro of Angel and AreToo. He looks so much like Angel! Not on his dorsal, which is speckled rather than stripey, but face! paws! tail! tummy! Amazing... (And he was so funny about sniffing and sniffing and practically hugging the human's coat - what was he smelling, really?)


Blogger Lizzy said...

AN hallucination??

8:34 PM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

AN, I should think.

I'm falling in love with AreToo. It's the effect of that odd little nose stripe. It imbues his countenance with just the right touch of sweetness. Rather like icing on a cupcake.

9:10 PM  

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