Friday, July 06, 2007

Thursday's Post

Yesterday morning, trying to get ready for work, the human made the mistake of looking up the attic stairs for signs of cats or "kittens". And, lo and behold, right at the stairwell's edge, underneath the bed, was Cloud. Hi, Sweetie, said the human. But a few minutes later, when Cloud was still crouched in the same spot, the human began to wonder. So, instead of scrubbing her teeth, which had been the plan for that particular moment, she went up the stairs, and there, just where Cloud should have been able to get out from under the bed was... Angel! Just lying there, looking oh so innocent. So the human rescued Cloud, who did not want to be rescued, and then walked her around until she calmed down (stopped chirping) and was (hopefully) safe to release onto the world...


Blogger Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Oh, I wish I could hear what the "chirping" sounds like!

12:44 AM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Lizzy, you'll need to provide podcasts and webcams soon! I thought CloudPodPrincess was in the habit of bopping Angel soundly? I suppose he's heavier than she is, though.

12:23 AM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Hi, PC! He had the high ground, as it were - she was under the bed where she couldn't really swing, and he was keeping her under the bed from 2 directions. Brilliant tactics but bad strategy on Angel's part...

6:59 PM  

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