Thursday, April 10, 2008

Confession Blogging

My Mom and I have this great guy, Scott, who cuts our grass / rakes our leaves / shovels our snow. Today he turned up to do some Spring cleaning of my yard, and sweetly decided to clean my porch as well. After he swept away the sunflower shells, he asked me - should he move the little pedestal feeder to the back yard? Where it wouldn't make such a mess. I pointed to the dining room window. And Scott said, Oh, right: you feed the birds for the cats to watch... Duh!


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Scott sounds like such a nice guy! Do the kitties appreciate the daily live entertainment?

12:41 PM  
Blogger Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Hello, Lizzy and PC!

I love that you have the feeder placed so the catz and kittenz will get the most benefit from watching all the hullabaloo.

I found out recently that my Mom's "Health Unit" has a very vocal bird in a cage in the rehab room. And across the hallway, I noticed feeding dishes and was told there is a resident cat that wanders throughout the facility. It's wonderful to see these kinds of enjoyable distractions for all the ladies to enjoy.

Hope all is well with you two!

1:25 AM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

They do watch, birds and squirrels... That's such a nice feature of your Mom's residence - having birds and cats.... And there are places that bring in dogs and - usually - kittens - who aren't as freakedoutable as your typical adult cat..... Good practice for all concerned.

1:44 AM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Hello, Lizzy, Sandy,

Kudos, Lizzy, for standing up and standing out in the cold for those of us who can't.

Nice to see you, Sandy!

2:52 PM  

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