Sunday, December 28, 2008

Weather Blogging

After reading TPC's and Sandy's account of CA weather, I just have to "brag" a bit. A week or so ago we got a lot of snow, and I couldn't put my car away because the guy who does my snow had his blower die, and the back was feet deep. When he couldn't do it the next day, it froze solid. So Monday morning I got in my car - parked in the driveway - and saw that it was 4' - 4! The car started, but just barely. Then, on Christmas eve, it rained! I had to wade to the atm in water up over my ankles - wearing fashion boots and a very long skirt, wouldn't you know! Yesterday, driving to the protest, it was in the 60's. And the huge amounts of snow that had covered just everything were disappearring. Last night I woke up to the strongest - well, at least the loudest - winds I'd ever heard, and way way in the distance there was lightning - huge white blobs of it, but the thunder never got here. I lit a candle and unplugged the computers and sat reading while big-eyed cats and kittens looked at the walls and ceiling. This morning the winds have died down somewhat, and the lawns are green again, with just a few patches of white where only days ago was ye olde winter wonder land. And it's gotten cold again - ccording to Yahoo, 33' - I haven't poked my nose out yet. All in one week. (And now I'm going to have a second cup of coffee...)


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