This blog is the ongoing story of nine-hundred and twenty-two cats, including kittens. We consider on a near daily basis the poetics of cat sensibility - the wit, brilliance, elegance and magic of catdom. We try to ignore hairballs and their sound effects.
Hmm, I feel I should know what a platform rocker is, but I do not.
It provides a good background to show off kitteh sweetness, though!
Hi, Mismn - Always the librarian, I thought I could just google platform rocking chair and give you a link - not so easy, it turned out... But a platform rocker sits on a stand and rocks with a spring or springs rather than the more usual rockers. Mine is one my grandfather found in pieces in an alley and rescued and rebuilt before I was born. I get a kick out of the way the guys jump up and "surf" on the rocking before settling down to snooze.
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