The human shared a piece of prosciutto with the 3 foodies - Cloud, Cyrrie, AreToo, Cloud, Cyrrie, AreToo, Cloud, Cyrrie, Aretoo, C- well, you get the idea. As we came to the end, AreToo got the last bit, while Cloud and Cyrrie nommed theirs. Unfortunately he dropped his, and while trying to get it back up off the floor, the siblings closed in. Cyrrie went straight for the ham, while Cloud was more strategic - she bopped AreToo, who then succeeded in recapturing his bit and ran off with it down the hallway... Justice. Sometimes...
Mmm, prosciutto! Clever Cyrrie and Cloud and AreToo. Madu is a kibble sort of guy, doesn't care for what he calls "fancy" food, not even cat treats. Gustav likes cooked hoomin food with spices in it. Gojira and Zingiber like fruit, yoghurt, wine, cheese ... foodies. Bandicoot likes everything. Especially cheese.
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