This blog is the ongoing story of nine-hundred and twenty-two cats, including kittens. We consider on a near daily basis the poetics of cat sensibility - the wit, brilliance, elegance and magic of catdom. We try to ignore hairballs and their sound effects.
Baffrm?? Funny AreToo.
Baffrm, yaz. I ask you! And he luvs to play and wrastle in that corner, the silly!
Ah, but his bountiful elegance desillies him! What strange little things they are! Today, Gustav attacked an innocent plastic bag which was minding its own business quietly on the bed. He thoroughly scratched his chin and ears on it, then tried to take fluffy bites out of it. We had to remind him that last tactic only works on tails. That poor child has the worst case of tail envy I've ever seen!
Kindly convey one loving kiss to Mr. Roboto's nosestripe. T'ankee.
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