This blog is the ongoing story of nine-hundred and twenty-two cats, including kittens. We consider on a near daily basis the poetics of cat sensibility - the wit, brilliance, elegance and magic of catdom. We try to ignore hairballs and their sound effects.
Ah yes. The infamous Amaryllis-Mauling Incident. Have they shown any remorse?
Not only no remorse, they're still stalking it whenever possible...
Very punny! Hope it's safely out of their reach?
Kittens 2, Plants 0
First they nuked the african violet; then, while I was dealing with that, they got past my guard and decapitated the amaryllis...
Safely out of their reach?
See, Sandy, I *knew* they had something planned, just knew it! Poor blossom. Naughty kittens!
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