Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Once again a peaceful morning is disturbed by a brief screech of fury - Cloud is over-reacting again and Angel is being a rascal (again). It's all over by the time I get there - Cloud hasn't even bothered to run away - she's just sitting there, glaring and washing her perhaps touched by Angel fur. When he sees me, Angel flops - thud - and then looks up at me with the most perfect expression of utter, total and absolute innocence...


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Has The Cloudling ever watched "Touched By An Angel"? I'd really like to know what she thinks of it. Does she wash extra at times like that?

3:19 PM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Oh, we're sorry to say that neither Cloud nor her human has ever seen "Touched by an Angel" - the human has this neurotic thing about television... In fact, she thinks Cloud and Cyrrie have probably actually ever watched only a few minutes of either a basketball or a hockey game - they were fascinated, but our team lost. BUT! Their human is a firm believer in angels, and kitten-specialist angels definitely were at work for both Cloud and Cyrrie and later on for the Marygrove Six....

9:12 PM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

PS - Loved the play on words..!

9:17 PM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Not being possessed of a television myself, I must only bleat timidly in my defense that it seemed apropos, to say the least, to mention the series. In view of the Cloudling's behaviours, and all. But more about The Marygrove Six, please.

3:02 AM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

The Marygrove Six, aka Gang of Six, were Angel and Aretoo and their 4 brothers, who were going to be fostered by the Marygrove Library until still unidentified cruel and dishonest people evicted them - and that despite folklore holding that Tabby cats are special to Mary... (On the other hand, if things had gone as planned, this blog would have fewer characters!)

11:42 AM  
Blogger Hokule'a Kealoha said...

O Angel with a crooked halo you are such a boy person!!!!! I think he bothers Cloud just to see it rain...such drama!

10:55 PM  

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