Monday, February 25, 2008

If You Can't Sleep, Laugh

Angel kept attacking the kleenex box last night. I'd pull him out of it / pull it off of him, and then we'd cuddle - he'd purr madly all the while looking so silly and so proud of himself. Then - with great cunning and melodrama, he'd escape to try again. It must have gone on for 15 or 20 minutes - I really was lol. At one point I thought, Oh, just let him have it, but then thought better of actually encouraging him. Angel needs no encouragement...


Blogger Sungold said...

My 4 1/2-year-old son has the same relationship to kleenex. This is probably the price I'm paying for giving him a feline name. (On my blog I call him the Tiger, but his actual name is Leo. I'm doomed either way.)

Wonderful image! I hope Angel left you a few tissues, since you obviously still need them. :-( Here's hoping this flu will soon loosen its grip on you.

11:04 PM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Hi, Sungold - Thank you so much for your comments - I've really enjoyed them! And I will get back to your blog soon - I really enjoyed your post about the tooth fairy (made me think of Terry Pratchett's *Hogfather*)... & Thank you for the good wishes! It may be wishful thinking, but I'm feeling better tonight and actually anticipate sleeping (if nobody walks on me unduly).

11:14 PM  
Blogger Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Lizzy - so glad you're beginning to feel better. Those meds must be helping, plus the healing wishes from your internet blog community. (I for one would welcome virtual chicken soup from Political Cat any day!)

Tell the babes they need to give you some space. It's hard to share a bed with 922 cats and kittenz!+

2:25 AM  

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