Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Farce Blogging

Yes, I was back at the er for the second time in 2 weeks. Bother! I saw the ent specialist this afternoon, and was disgusted to learn that the prescription they gave me last was for too short a time - 10 days - according to current practice - it should have been for 21 days. And so no wonder I'm still sick. They gave me a whole new prescription - also to take for 21 days - after which I'm supposed to get another cat scan. Here's the wrinkle: About half an hour after taking the first (pricey!) pill, my lip started to swell. ("If swelling of mouth or lip occurs, seek medical attention immediately.") So I wound up in the er, got some intravenous steroids, am on steroids for the next few days, and am back to square 1 vis a vis the sinus infection. Bummer! But I'm eye-balling Angel as he massacres the big fluffy toy (the one that looks like Cloud, actually) and that, at least, is a kind of therapy. Next: Call the doctor tomorrow morning, work tomorrow the late shift, and after that would dearly love to make the Good Friday afternoon service and the Saturday protest.


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Aha, a churchgoing Lizzy! I think (even though I'm a confirmed atheist) that worship is very comforting to the spirit especially in such troubled times. And I hope you receive the blessing of being among the likeminded and knowing that you are doing good.

The health? We are not so happy about that. But if Angel successfully slays the representative DragonRainMonster, perhaps he'll leave the original in peace for a bit. So that's good.

Try not to stay up and about too much, Lizzy! Rest and heal. But if you're going to be there anyway, my sincere regards to the wonderful Pam.

Good wishes from all mi gatos.

12:48 AM  
Blogger Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Lizzy, I've been so concerned for you lately. Sorry not to have been commenting as much - my Mom (90 years old) was in the hospital several weeks ago - my sister came from Hawaii, etc. - we were concerned about her - she had a partially collapsed lung and pneumonia, etc. Fortunately, she's back in the Health Unit of her retirement home, so I'm beginning to relax.

I had many years of sinus problems, as I think I've mentioned. I even ended up in the ER at UCLA because I literally couldn't breathe when I was given an antibiotic that I had an allergic reaction to when I had a bad cold. I was there for about 4 days - the doctors there suggested I check in with a pulmonary specialist, which I did. He referred me to an allergist (that's when I found out I'm allergic to cats and dogs). By then my two boys were gone, but I had to replace carpeting that had many years of cat dander in it.

I heard from my brother who had a very bad sinus infection several years ago that doctors now say they need longer treatments of antibiotics (like your ent specialist said) to combat sinus infections.

I remember having to take steroids to take the inflammation down also. I had such coughing fits! Sometimes I'd stand up to get a better handle on the cough and find myself on the floor - blood drained from head too quickly!

Just wanted you to know that I can really empathize with you. I hope the meds will kick in and help calm all the inflammation down.

I'm amazed you're still posting and taking pictures. Bless your heart - you're a trooper. But like PC says, rest and recuperate now.

Sending you healing thoughts.

1:20 AM  

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