Friday, November 07, 2008

Post Election Human Blogging

Wow. The day after. Physically I could hardly move, my muscles were so stiff and achy from having been - quite unconsciously - so incredibly tense the day before. Emotionally I was in a daze - literally chills going up and down my spine almost continuously, and tears coming and going without warning. Today I was overcome by seeing just the first few moments of the briefing/press conference - just to see someone serious - really really serious - as opposed to smirking! Anyway, I'm slowly pulling myself together, with no help whatsoever from my work situation. But this weekend I actually have 2 days off in a row! I will protest (celebratorilly - is that a word?) (perhaps not) and then do what I must to get ready for Nov 12th - Windows Day, Woohoo...! Anywayz, we luvz you allz!! Pics tomorrow, maybe???


Blogger Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Lizzy - I had similar physical responses - mostly from sitting in one place for hours at a time. I was so involved with the poll work that I didn't have time to be anxious about Obama. Then I was too tired to feel the joy. I finally got a real taste of it when I watched the Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert rerun of their election evening coverage the next night with a friend.

Ezra Klein had a wonderful set of pictures showing two children, one black, one white on the shoulders of their Dads and how the two of them end up sharing an Obama placard for the camera. Gave me chills!

(Sorry, PC, even after your help, I still can't seem to remember how to create the link!)

Thanks for your posting, Lizzy, in the midst of your workload!

12:13 AM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Oh, dearest friends! The night of the elections we slept peacefully and long for the first time in 2 years. Like both of you, the next day we ached all over. Two years? Or eight? Of holding tension in the neck, forehead, jaw, spine.

I'm happy to announce that three days later, I find my need for painkillers significantly reduced (?), to my great surprise.

I saw Stephen (and Jon) tearing up, and I saw the pix of the two kids too. So sweet! It's a new day, a great day, the most memorable election of my life.

3:56 PM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Yea, Guys! At the protest today, everybody was grinning like like crazy! It really IS that the whole world has changed. Lots, LOTS! of work still to be done, but it's amazing how different it all feels...

4:40 PM  

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