Lover Boy
Cyrrie has gotten to be very affectionate of late - little Cyrano! Who was such a suspicious kitten - sleeping with one eye open and stiffing (literally) his human whenever she tried to hold or pet him... (Unless food was involved.) (Food!) Lately he's given up the paw-in-the-face-pay-attention-to-me in favor of a very hard head butt to my mouse arm when I'm at the computer. This morning he did something completely new - he walked up and down on me, purring loudly and seriously irritating Lucy who was sleeping on my shoulder. Cyrrie is small but dense, and I was anxious for him to settle, but he would not be hurried. Lucy left, and I'm sure I'll have bruises. Finally he curled up on my knees - Angel's spot - and purred louder than ever. (I remember when you had to hold his throat to know if he was purring.)
I left a comment last night but it disappeared! How strange! Or was I overly medicated? Or dreaming? Anything is possible, dear friend. Yesterday was a severe pain and discomfort day and it is astounding how much effect pain can have on our lives, no matter how we try to ignore out. Stoicism is for another breed, my father and my ex-MiL, for example. Me, I whimper and head for teh bottle.
Nose scritches, ear rubs, and general loviness for the entire silken tribe. And, of course, for their Mama (although perhaps ear rubs does seem a tad familiar). But you get my drift.
Today's captcha is no doubt meant to tantalize me with the future: restran. Spelling, I say! Mind the spelling and all else will fall in place.
Oh, noes! Now I want my phantom comment! But, seriously, I'm way sorry yesterday was bad for you - I agree completely about pain - I don't want to suffer nobly when it happens, I just want help! I hope today is being better to you... I will pass along all the aforementioned scritches and rubs as soon as I get home tonight, and no doubt one or more will scritch and rub me in return, which I will accept on your behalf. (I think that's what I mean to say.) (Whatever.) (What a useful word...) Again, I'm really hoping things are going better for you today! Love to your bunnies, Lizzy (Smessed)
Today is unfortunately an even worse pain day. It was fine when we started, Gustav even behaving himself most of the day. But then I decided to make a beef bourgignon, forgetting that I hadn't stood up for more than a few minutes in several months. I am paying for it now. Oh, well. The children send their love (they wish I wouldn't be so strange and distant and I just can't get them to understand that the old days of them walking all over me and sleeping at will wherever are gone, at least for another year). But they fondly remember their electronic scritches and shamelessly beg for more.
Today's captcha is puting. What? I can't decide if it's a misspelling of a Russian premier, a misspelling of the machine I spend my days with, or advice that I should place something somewhere. Hmmm.
Oh, you poor dear - I saw your comment yesterday am just before leaving for work, and then never got to respond... I'm off today, but this is another 6 day week, and yesterday was a very long day, although not all of it was work. I hope yesterday (and today!) was/is better, and, btw, how was the beef bourguinion? (When I read you comment yesterday, Cyrrie was signaling pay-attention-to-me - but I also detected tell TPC I sends her luvz...)
Oh, Lizzy! Shame on me for whining when you work SO hard! You take care of yourself - 922 little ones depend on you for their daily quotient of love and care.
I never finished the boeuf - I separately cooked the veges and seasonings, and put the meat (previously salted, peppered, floured, and browned) on a very low simmer for 1.5 hrs with a good bottle of red wine, some broth, bay leaves, oregano, thyme, and a couple of hot chilli peppers. Today I will marry them all together with some potatoes fried in olive oil and let simmer for another hour or so. Should be falling-off-teh-fork tender. Walking hurts, but the furbags are being SO sweet, I'm about to get diabetes.
OTOH, the post-surgery diet is wonderful. Breakfast: 1 poached egg, 1 piece parsnip, 1 piece carrot, 1/2 cup chicken broth, 1 cup tea. Lost 12 lb so far, none of it for trying. The fact that I need to lose a total of 60 lb doesn't bother me much. I'm too tired.
Wish I could send you some of my boeuf bourgignon - then Cloud wouldn't be giving you the hairy eyeball.
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