Some More Banshee Blogging
It comforts me to talk / write about her... Clearly this had been coming on for sometime - it turns out she'd lost a pound or so over the last year or so. But she'd had a blood work-up with in the last 4 or 5 months, and was good at that time. Last Sunday she was poaching Buddy's FF, and Monday and Tuesday she was doing a good job on her crunchies (I know because she had a habit of sitting patiently in front of a mostly full bowl of crunchies, waiting for a top-up before seriously chowing down). And yet by Saturday she was totally weakened, and the doctor noticed that her eyes / ears / gums were yellow, a very bad sign. Her blood tests showed liver disfunction, and the x-rays showed that her liver had shrunk. Also that one kidney was much larger than the other, and that her lungs were showing signs of calcification (from the asthma). When we first got there, she was still sitting up, but very soon she was laying flat against the table, and she hardly raised her head after that. It was weird tonight - putting out only 7 saucers of FF... (She was so pretty - the doctor and the technicians kept talking about it...)
Please, do let's talk about her, to your heart's content. I'm remembering how, just over the past month, you seem to have taken more pictures of the ever-elusive pretty little one. Fourteen (or 15, or more, most likely) is very old for a little kitteh. She's like my mother, who died at the age of 83 (except Bansh outlived her, leaving us at the ripe old age of 85 or more). I remember feeling as if Mum was more than ready to go. And Bansh certainly let you know that she was too, purring sweetly. Such a pretty girl! Jaundice and asthma combined was hard on her, poor little thing! And she went when she was ready, not injured or hurt or frightened, but at the end of a long and happy life with her dear loving hoomin by her side. I'm sure Faridah Peeples, Ramon Rivera, Mephisto, Strega, and all the ones who preceded her were waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for her. Someday we'll join them there. Our dearly loved and always missed little friends, whose pawprints have marked our hearts for all time.
When I went into the vet's, I was praying to take her home. But when I came home without her, I still felt that she had, actually, gone home.
Although your home was the best home ever, for her, her new home is one where she'll never have to share the FF!
See if you can spot Banshee's little face in this picture I found today while looking for something to make you feel better!
She must have heard me worrying that you were so heartbroken! I wasn't looking for her, just for something pretty — and there, suddenly, her little face appeared!
PS: Just like the elusive Banshee herself, it's not easy to see.
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