Tuesday, June 03, 2008

It's Cold And Stormy Tonight

So we've opened an extra window...


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Wait, what?? Do they like the storms?

11:14 PM  
Blogger Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Hi, PC and Lizzy!

Just got back from a marathon day as a precinct worker. Much easier this election than the primary earlier this year - that was a zoo. This time I even got a chance to read a book every so often.

Beautiful day here, too. We got the benefit of the balmy breezes and nice all around weather.

I do NOT look forward to the General Election. Another zoo, no doubt! But I keep my fingers and toes crossed about the outcome!

Take care you two!

1:51 AM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Hi, guys - PoliticalCat, how are your folks? And Sandy, good for you! (And your weather sounds lovely - it's dark and cool here this morning, and I'm enjoying having the windows open, as opposed to having the air on...)

9:11 AM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Hi, Sandy! How wonderful that you're a precinct worker.

Hi, Lizzy,

No new word from the doctor, but I talked to my friend (of 38 years' standing) who is planning a visit once they're allowed and will report back to me on their condition. It's a little after midnight over there now. Doctor makes his rounds in ten hours. Thanks for that gorgeous picture of Angel.

Yesterday I rose at some ungodly hour to communicate with their doctor and was upset all day and have since come down with some nasty pharyngeal infection so now I can't speak or hear. So I can't call the doctor which is just as well because he's probably sleeping the sleep of the just. Bless that man, he's been their geriatrician for years and he takes care of them as if they were his babies.

11:34 AM  

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