Saturday, November 08, 2008

Yea And Thank You Pam!

At the protest today, Pam look way tired but also way beautiful - she did so much for the Obama campaign in this area! I can't even begin to say how grateful I am to her and all her compatriots (I had to look that up to make sure I was using it correctly)... Thank you, thank you, thank you - Everyone who canvassed, called, gotv'd, whatevered.... Thank you and bless you!!


Blogger poe said...

Oh Lizzy, you sweetheart! Thank you for your kind words. Tired I am, but very satisfied. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of our collective shoulders. Thank goodness we did it!

1:56 AM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Yes, thank you SO much, POE, for giving us President Obama! The way I felt when the news was announced was like that scene in LOTR when Sauron dies and a giant dark cloud coalesces around his form then dissipates into the ether, leaving behind a land full of light. Thank you. And thank you, Lizzy, for all you did and do. And thank you, Sandy, for volunteering as a poll worker and staying through the entire tedious time despite aching bones and stiff muscles.

1:07 PM  
Blogger poe said...

Thank you as well TPC, for pounding out one of the best political blogs around. You always manage to bring my attention to some important issue that I otherwise would have missed. And it's not like I don't follow current events - you just have a knack for finding stuff that no one else is covering, and you're a phenomenal writer - TPC is one of my favorites. Kudos to you and Lizzy and Sandy and all the rest of us for making it happen! YES WE DID!

10:27 PM  

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