Monday, January 05, 2009


A minute ago, while 'Toonya and I were in bed, who should pop up but Angel, who went right over to Petunnia and curled up beside her, falling asleep almost instantly. And 'Toonya was cool with it. The benefit of short memory, do you think? Could we transplant it into humans, maybe??


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

No need for transplants, Lizzy. It happens soon enough, as we age.

Recipes for you.

Today's captcha: permesse
Translation: what happens when the perm doesn't take?

1:03 AM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

A joke for Lizzy and the kittehs. Well, it really happened, and it's not a joke, but it is teh funneh.

My friend was at her Aunt's talking to her cousins about how dear old Auntie was getting quite dotty and they needed to do something about her. "Just the other day we talked and it was clear that she was out to lunch!"

Whereupon Auntie, who apparently hadn't heard a word of the entire conversation, turned to them suddenly and said, "I was? Who took me?"

Today's captcha: colluse
Translation: when you work with someone to a practical end?

1:38 AM  

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