Thursday, May 07, 2009

Research Question

How many cuddles can a "little" guy expect / get in a single morning? Today: AreToo was stalking his human, laying in wait outside the bathroom while she put on make up and tried to dress up right. When she exited - for example, to warm her coffee - he'd sing to her, and she'd first pet his face and then swoop him up (lever him up, pulley him up?) and tote him to a seat where he could be cuddled and sweet-talked to his heart's content - a minute? 2? I'll have to time it sometime. And then off he'd go, and then 5 minutes later the whole thing would start again. So, 5 times in a morning? 6? And then there's Angel! And Cyrrie! Is it any wonder I'm almost always late??


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Y'know, if he's willing to sing for his cuddles ... he can have as many as he wants, methinks! But, yes, they do have a way of delaying one from the less important things in life. *Schmeck!* (kisses the Droid)

11:38 AM  

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