Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sweet Sleepy Face

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Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Teh beautiful! I'm sore because I spent today cleaning and cooking, and tomorrow is physical therapy. I'm tired of being shut-in, and your pictures and stories bring the world outside into my bedroom and make me so happy! The Cloud-Rain-Dragon-Princess, the always beautiful soft little one, light as a dandelion seed, serene in sleep. Thank you.

1:32 AM  
Blogger MG Library Staff said...

I toted her around this am, after cleaning her eyes. She purred and purred, and I was so, like trapped! Got to get ready, got to go to work - and there's Cloud going Purr, purr - all your purr-ears are belong to ME! (Foustlea.) (Overkill, imho.)

7:57 PM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Thanks to you, Bandicoot gets a daily eye-cleaning, and he's such a sweet little fellow (OK, not so little, maybe), he sits still for it and purrs all the way through. Later he gets his nose kissed, and his head and ears and whiskers and chin rubbed with a hoomin chin or cheek, and he likes that.

I am pleased to have learned that from you. He hasn't had to have ointment in his eyes since I started cleaning them daily. Bandicoot is pleased also and sends you his luvz. (exple)

2:23 PM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Oh, dear - does Bandicoot blame me for what the 922's claim is the "t" word?? Pls, give him a kiss for me by way of apology... (And the otherz, 2!!)

2:27 PM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Bandicoot is incapable of a mean thought. He's so sweet, whenever I have to medicate him or do anything uncatlike to him, I explain gently and he always comes over for whatever the procedure is and purrs all the way through. Nail clipping, eye wiping, he's up for anything. And such a sweetheart! I kissed him for you and he said "Prr?" At least it sounded like a question.

10:29 PM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Ooo, made mez happy..!

10:32 PM  

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