Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Brought Banshee's Ashes Home Tonight

This is the 4th time. Before this, they came in card board boxes. This time the plasticish box was in a more elegant grey shopping-type bag with a soft handle... Weird, a bit, yes? Banshee is now with God, of course, and the others of our little clan, but her ashes are under my bed. Which is not weird at all, is it??


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Not in the least. Corky and Greta are on the mantelpiece over the fireplace, poised between a handpainted Mexican wooden cat and a jade frog, sitting underneath an assemblage made by an artist friend. Ramon Rivera, shadow dancer extraordinaire (and related to Diego, Frida Kahlo's husband) is underneath a purple-blossomed tobacco, and Faridah Peeples herself has a red camellia to lie under, just outside my kitchen.

This reminds me of my dear friend Jeyhan, who loved kitties and had many in his fifty years of life. He had all their ashes on his mantelpiece too, and when I wept for Mephisto who was newly left, he made me laugh out loud when he said, "Honey, I may be a queen, but I have more pussy on my mantel-shelf than most straight men have EVER seen!"

A little coarse for your taste, perhaps, dear, but I hope it makes you laugh too. We will always miss her, but soon the missing will be without pain.

Captcha: nochips (??) What cats don't want with their fish?

1:16 AM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Heclo? Anyway, I was surprised to see your comment since once again I didn't get an email notice! And you did indeed make me smile right through my tears...

4:13 PM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

You know how Miss Banshee was always up to disapparating tricks? At least now you'll always know where she is — right next to you, where you want her to be.

Today's captcha: tabook. Forbidden reading matter?

9:00 PM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Bless your heart - last night - as I was hugging her little coffin - I told myself - she's not here - she's in "heaven" - but I hope so much her little sweet soul visits us from time to time... Plus the other ones, of course. (Basket-case exit, pls forgive....)

10:01 PM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Well, the thing about cat (and other critter) heaven is, they can come visit any old time they please. A few weeks after Ramon Rivera left me, I was sitting on the little porch outside my bedroom, when I saw a man ascend the (endless) stairs to my neighbours' place. I hailed him, convinced it was a burglar since the neighbours were out of town, but he said he was out walking his dog and noticed that someone had left their car headlights on. So I rushed downstairs, knowing it must be my car (no one else parks down there) and, sure enough the lights were on. But when I looked for that man up and down the road, neither he nor his dog were anywhere to be seen. Strange, since the road is visible quite a ways in both directions, and I was caroling, "Hi? Hi!" in my loudest tones. It had to be Ramon, don't you think? I'm sure Banshee will come to say hello, just as she did the night I was looking for something to cheer you up and found her sweet little face on a beautiful piece of fabric.

Warm hugs and soothing purrs from all los gatos and their hoomin at La Casa.

11:27 PM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

I meant to tell you also — she will be back as another kitty, most likely. Wanting to be with you will bring her back to take that form. Look for her in June. Much love, from all at Casa de Los Gatos.

11:30 PM  

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