Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Morning Coffee Blogging

Coffee, radio on for news (Yay!), laptop on the dining room table for news and stuff. Also on the table, Petunnia and Lucy, Banshee in the window well... Then the human looks up to see extra cats and kittens! Cyrrie is walking around, although there isn't much room, as 'Toonya keeps telling him. And Angel has parked himself by the laptop and is looking coyly around the screen at his human. It is a roomful - mostly a tableful - of large creatures, crowding in together. Petunnia is the first to depart, and a little while later the human realizes that Cloud has somehow or other replaced Angel (how did that happen?) and now here is the little Droid, also affectionately nudging the laptop.... What a sweet gang, and how nice of them to share their table top domain.


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

When they're good, they're very very good ...

11:37 AM  

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