Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Staying In Touch

I thought I was just way tired over the weekend but it turned out to be the beginning stages of whatever is going around, virus-wise. I'll spare everyone a gruesome account of symptoms as I head off to bed, sounding worse than Banshee at her worstest. (No coughing! No coughing! they think at me, to no avail.) (I plan to call the doctor first thing in the morning.) Love to everyone - I read the comments and will answer later...


Blogger Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Hmmmm...this is worrisome. Maybe it's a sinus infection, in which case antibiotics can help. Whatever it is I hope it comes and goes quickly!

Take heart from the various hopeful polls about the election. I'm trying not to be over-optimistic, but cautiously happy that we may get a good result.

2:07 AM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Hi, Sandy - I swing between hope and terror/despair, but I'm working at spending more time on the hope end... What did you think of the debate??

11:06 PM  
Blogger Sandy-LA 90034 said...

Regarding the debate - I watched the first two with friends -- had to walk out of the apartment for a couple of minutes because my sensitive tummy couldn't take McCain's bashing of Obama. But one friend came out and said, no no, Obama's winning this by being cool. The second debate was a little easier, this time I was cool, while my friend was uncomfortable. But the snap polls were the important things and the undecideds ruled in favor of Obama!

The last debate, I was home alone and got so uncomfortable I had to shut off the T.V. when McCain started attacking Obama. (I really am far too sensitive for my own good, but I can't help the visceral reactions I have. I try to talk myself out of them, but it's a struggle).

So I headed off to the Beverly Hills Library to return books and pick out the week's supply. I intermittently listened to the debate on the radio, clicking off when I got zapped by irritation. It was a beautiful night out - it's been uncomfortably hot during the day, but the evenings feel lovely.

I stopped at a little bistro for a coke and sat outside and watched the Overland traffic go by. I called the friend mentioned above and he drove over to join me. He had listened to the debate on the radio while waxing his car. So I heard from him about the parts I missed. He has a political blog and I enjoy his take on politics and economics.

I actually liked reading the blogs after the debate and watching some of the You Tube snippets that captured classic moments - the air quotes about the health of the mother was something a radio listener would miss.

2:38 PM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Hi, Sandy - Debate-wise, I was glad to have watched it - otherwise I'm not sure I would have believed all the blinks and facial weirdnesses... but I know you what you mean about aout how unbearable it can be to listen to them lie and carry on - I've been turning off the radio whenever a republican voice comes on for almost 30 years now!

7:07 PM  

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