Monday, June 15, 2009

Still Not Getting Their Full Share Of Attention

My friend Sue Ann is staying with the nubie and the grandhuman, so last night the poor shy babes had all the hugs and kisses that they could possibly want... Ditto this morning. This afternoon, however, they were heartlessly abandoned! The (human) girl friends went to the zoo, and visited the tiger, among other way cool babies (wallabies, seals, a polar bear, a bald eagle, deer, guanacos (sp?), capabari, etc.). It was beautiful. And then we shopped! And then we had dinner. And then we shopped some more. And then we went to the grandhuman's and visited some more. Needless to say when I finally got home tonight, there were very put out little bunnies needing to be coddled (i.e., FancyFeasted)... (Works every time.) (But don't tell them I said that.)


Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Really, I think you have a better Brand of Kitteh than I. The first time I ever left Miss Faridah Peeples alone (and it was only overnight, and I rushed back to her the next day, and it was only once in, what, six years? She and Ramon had set aside any enmity to climb together up the roof. And they refused to come down. No matter how I called and begged and pleaded (pled?). She wouldn't even speak to me. All I got was a roll of the hairy eyeball, as if to say, "Hoomin! U R Ded 2 me, u hearz me, DED!" Finally, after many miserable hours spent alone, they climbed down and deigned to be fawned over and given full-body kitty massage, which they like very much although you'll never get them to admit it. Horrible creatures, utterly horrible (but so very loved!).

PS: They'll never hear it from me.
PPS: How IS Mr. Bunny?

11:36 PM  
Blogger Lizzy said...

Oh, you have lolled me, no end... (And I haven't eye-balled Mr. Bunny lately, so I can only hope for the best...)

12:01 AM  
Blogger ThePoliticalCat said...

Me 2, hoping the best for Mr. Bunny. Although I'm told bunnies can be dreadfully destructive to gardens.

12:25 PM  

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